The other night I was dusting off one of my Star Wars toy shelves. Like a true geek, I was making sure each Jedi had they're right color lightsaber. I smiled thinking about when my Niece Devin was over playing with them, for that tale, click here. She didn't care about canon and was putting X Wing pilot helmets on C-3PO and Darth Vader's helmet on Han Solo. It was accessorizing in a galaxy far, far away.
Then a cartoon idea hit me, I doodled Darth Vader with racks of different stylish helmets to choose from and wear on his off hours...

I liked the top hat helmet and thought there might a a fancy dress, death star fund raiser Vader hated having to attend...

That lead to a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Vader idea. Maybe a Sith the Ripper stalking the foggy streets of London...

Then I thought he looked liked Abe Lincoln and there was a Gettysburg address joke to be had. I started to sketch it when my mind went 180 degrees and I also doodled a Cylon in a top hat just to say the line "4 score and 7 YAREN ago...". As I debated jokes in my head, a cowboy helmet Vader was sketched...

That lead to this...

Which became the final cartoon...

Cool to see the process.