Just look at that picture above, so smug...such a wannabe hollywood actor headshot. Guess what! When this picture was taken , he was probably thinking ..."man, I wish I was at my brother Dave's...he's got that cool Mace Windu lightsaber that lights up and makes real movie sounds or maybe he has some some frosted flakes I could eat because this actor's life leaves me hungry!".
He is my younger by 2 years. He has far more courage, ambition, intelligence and charm than I would ever hope to have. He's also just a flat out funny guy and someone you miss when he leaves the room. Someone who really listens when you share your secrets or busts ya when your full of yourself. Friends of mine who had only met him briefly ask about and remember him, for this reason alone...I wish he was never born.
Hate aside, I must inform anyone who reads this blog to go to (when visiting or if now in L.A.) the Unknown Theater. My Brother has given much of his time believing in and helping to get off the ground. This past 2 years...he has spent almost every night, seven days a week being a part of this company.
Go see a show. You can "TeVo" American Idol , Lost or 24.
Click on this or type in www.unknowntheater.com
Truth is, I am guilt ridden. Please go see a show...if I was a good older brother I would of forced him to pick a career with security and a good pension.