Raiders' 30th: Movies of 1981

For sci fi, fantasy, horror and comedy movie fans, 1981 was a pretty good year.

Including Raiders' there was...

And Disney's Dragonslayer, but I couldn't find a decent clip of.

Oh and I have to add this next one to the roster. My Dad and I still share a laugh sometimes remembering the scene when the giant bug gets squished on Dennis Quaid's face.


  1. Yeah, 1981 was a pretty good year for movies. 1982 was even better. Those were the days, man.

  2. No argument. 1982 was movie year that will forever be remembered. That summer seemed to have one blockbuster after another.

  3. Looks like I will be firing up Netflix this weekend! Time Bandits for the win! I was only 11 back then, so the Muppets come in a close second.

  4. 1981 was a GREAT year, I graduated from high school and saw all but two of these films in theaters...the best part was that I saw American Werewolf, Evil Dead, Howling and Friday the 13th at a drive-in...I so wish they would bring the drive in theater back. Wish they would hurry up with the time machine...would love to go back!

  5. Jayson
    Good call. Time Bandits one of my all time favorites and still watch often. It's so rich with detail that even 30 years later I catch something new.

    I miss drive-ins too. You'd think with the trend of remaking films they'd remake one of the most fun ways to watch them.

  6. I've seen all of them several times (except Friday 13/2, never really into them.) I sorely miss Time Bandit, I need to find a copy.

  7. Wow, I love those classic movies. Thanks for sharing that was all interesting movies.
