One of my best memories was in 1984. I was a college freshman at RISD. The Police were going to play the Providence Civic Center on the Synchronicity tour. My brother had become a Sting fanatic by then. It was hoped he would come up for the weekend and I would try and get tickets for the show. It was a big event concert and unless I had hundreds of scalper dollers to spend they were impossible to get.
By some miracle my Dad had secured us and a few of my college friends tickets! He knew a guy who knew a guy and so on. It got even better when I went to the will call window. Our seats were, if I remember right... 6th or 7th row center on the floor! I'll bet even today my Dad still owes favors for them.
The pictures above were taken that night...long ago in the days before security would strip you of everything. Most of the show was spent looking at my brother's butt. He would stand on top of the chair back in front of him in bouts of excited frenzy. I'd grab his belt to keep him from falling over. This only helped him to lean foward swaying to the music looking like Leo Dicaprio on the bow of the Titanic. This went on the whole concert. My arm went numb.
So take a wild guess what my Saturday morning videos are today...
Now I KNOW it's Summer... RERUNS! (Heeheehee...)