Evolution of a Zombie Horde

The evolution of the Geeks vs Zombies stage production poster I've been working on. From the first rough thumbnail idea to the recently finished illustration.


  1. That is AWESOME!!!!!

  2. That turned out really well! Thanks for showing us the process.

  3. First of all, I'm a sucker for this type of concept to completion progression. I like the layout and the color choices. Is the 3rd image pen or digital? I notice the final poster is cropped from the colored version. Do you plan make it extend further than it will need to, or was the cropping a later decision?

    1. The third is old fashioned pen and ink on bristol board, then scanned. Yeah, the final image was cropped some and planned for. I always extend art a bit further than planned for with extra bleed just in case some resizing is needed). There is an alternate 8.5 x 11 ad and larger marquee banner to come that show the details cropped out in this one though.

  4. Awesome! And another vote from me for showing the process from beginning to end. I'm a real sucker for pen and ink work. Maybe it's a product of spending my formative years reading comics, but that style really appeals to me.

  5. This is great! Love it.

  6. Superb! Love the Zombies! As Mr. Chicken said the concept to completion progress is awesome!

  7. Love it! My hubbie and I are huge zombie fans. I just started a blog, please visit it! I plan to feature some of your work on it. http://thespookymama.blogspot.com/

    1. Thanks Spooky Mama, I'll stop by your blog!
