In 1984 ( before George Lucas became the "special edition" master), Georgio Moroder produced a re release of Fritz Lang's classic 1927 film Metropolis.
The film was restored, given color enhancements and a new music score composed by him (dated now but cool then). It also featured original songs by Freddie Mercury, Pat Benatar, Bonnie Tyler, Loverboy, Billy Squire, Adam Ant and others.
I saw it in college (at the "art" theater - The Cable Car). It was not the movie I remember seeing in High School film class. I wore my soundtrack cassette out listening to it.
The original Metropolis is a visual masterpiece that still influences today. The Moroder version is a little known pop culture gem for the music alone. I still find the soundtrack sometimes out there (I found mine in the bargain bin). Here are some videos, the quality of the first is pretty low but sounds good.
You'll be happy to know that the Cable Car is still there, as is the Avon on Thayer.