I've never knitted. I've learned enough to make nice visual presentations, understand knitting in theory to help with "step outs" and run to the prop room for basic materials as needed for guests and knitsters...but I have been known to confuse stich markers with stich holders.
I've gained great respect for the craft and marvel at the projects our guests and host Vickie Howell create.
I've also learned to be a knitter is to be part of a sub-culture. There is a vast but small world that only knitters understand. I knew a day would arrive when I would give in to peer pressure so I could be accepted by the cool kids.
I now admit I have been taking needles in hand with a pretty ball of yarn
...at home
...in a dark corner
...were no one can see me.

So far it's been 8 days still "casting on" but I feel positive I'll have my scarf completed in 4 years!
Your secrets save with us Dave.