Just before I got started rebuilding the old unfinished UFO (see
Part One), I stopped and thought, maybe this Halloween project should be one I actually spend money on? Maybe go and get decent materials to make it what I really dream it could be? Then I came to my senses. Where's the fun in that? Not to mention my ever growing hoard of junk to make stuff out of seriously needs to be decreased. So, be warned, I'm REALLY making this one up as I go.
First thing I did was to beef up the saucer a bit. Using double stick foam tape I attached an old dryer hose around the edge. Then glued in place and filled gaps with Liquid Nails.
I might replace this hose with a large foam pipe insulation tube or pool toy noodle. |
Once the Liquid Nails set up, I painted the dryer hose to get rid of the reflection and glare so I could see if I filled in the gap between it and the wood enough.
Next I added some larger details to the saucer with plastic rings
from old outdoor path lights and foam baseballs cut in half (left over from
prop bats I made for
Geeks vs Zombies).
I still liked the cockpit from the first attempt last year (a plastic
planter cut down) and kept it. I detailed the edges with
some foam pipe insulation tube at the bottom and a thinner fountain pump hose
along the top.
Glue blobs will be cleaned up later. |
I'm planning to hinge the dome so I can have either an open or closed cockpit. |
At this point before I added any more details, I roughly painted the entire saucer so I could get a better sense of it as a whole so far. Without being distracted by it's individual parts and pieces.
No, it won't be pink when finished. It just happened to be
the first random color I grabbed from my paint stash. |
From here (and in Part Three) I'm going to figure out the engines and other details. I don't now if I'll add too much more though, I really like the classic 50's B-movie/Ed Wood simplicity of it right now.
One of Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space flying saucers.
Contrary to popular belief, these were actually store bought plastic models
and not painted paper plates or pie-tins. |