My New Tenant Shows It's Face.

For the first time, my new workshop tenant hung from her web facing me.  I hope you all appreciate that my camera's zoom is not this good, so I had to get pretty close for these pics... too close... and I did not enjoy it.

Note the eye-shine from the flash.


  1. I think she knows you are documenting her. Which is why she decided to turn her web around. I think she likes you!

  2. Does she have a name yet?

  3. we get big orb spiders like this in our garden, I was really close photographing one, glanced away at the camera setting, looked back and she had GONE - now that's panic time! VBG

  4. Creepy, I know right?

    Tay's, Sorry!

    Irene, I hope so.

    Rob, not yet, a few being tossed around the house.

    Erica, too funny. Yeah, that's exactly what happened when I first discovered her and took a picture.

  5. You have a crossbow... Right?

  6. ('s going to nestle in your ear tonight as you sleeeeeeepppppp..)


  7. If you can train her that could be one less prop you have to make this year.

  8. I think spiders are beautiful.
    Thank you for jumping your shadow and getting that close, so I could get a good look.

  9. that is one beautiful spider. and such a perfect pose! i agree-she likes you.
