- Create your own funny words for the blank spaces in the above cartoon. It's OK to just have a caption or just a word balloon. You don't HAVE to add both. But you are limited to that, the dog can't say anything! You can enter as many idea's as you want and the contest is open to all, so tell a friend.
The WINNER gets "bragging rights", the cartoon re done with their words and a caricature or cartoon featuring you by me! It will be a simple one but full color! I can't offer hours of time spent creating a portrait to go over your mantle, but I'll send you a high res file of it. Don't worry if we never met, you can send me a photo if you win.
- Submit your ideas as a "comment". Just click on the word "comments" at the bottom of this post.
- Any anonymous comments will be disqualified. You must leave your name (or a nickname) with an E-MAIL address (at least in the body of the comment) so I can identify and contact you if you win! Your E-MAIL will be confidential and not be posted (unless you want it to be)
- Deadline for entry is Monday 8/13 at midnight PST, so you have plenty of time to think about it and add another entry if you get inspired.
- All entries will not be posted till Tuesday 8/14 for everyone to vote on (you don't have to enter to vote). Details on voting will be spelled out then. So if you don't see your entry in the "comment" box, don't think I didn't get it. I'll e-mail you that I got it (another reason to add your e-mail address).
- Adult and "toilet" humor is OK, but my Mom reads this blog so try to keep it PG-13 rated. Anything crude just to be crude and not clever or funny will be censored.
That's all, I think it's pretty simple but feel free to e-mail me (dcldesigns@aol.com) or leave a comment if you have questions. Remember...Monday midnight PST is the deadline and check back Tuesday to vote!
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