I slowly stepped closer, they didn't move. They stared back at me, unblinking. I began to get creeped out. I noticed the eyes were very large and attached to an equally large shadowed shape. Now I froze and became spooked.

Ghosts, goblins, bigfoot, aliens and everything supernatural raced through my head, so I decided to go back inside. As I walked, the eyes followed me. I then thought it best to run to the back door (with my arms flailing above my head).
Looking out the kitchen window, the eyes still watched me. Now I was really, really, really scared... goose bumps and all. Holy Mother of God...it's that pig demon from the Amityville horror!
Common sense took over...I had rearranged the garden the other day... I was seeing our decorative gazing ball reflecting our two patio lights.
I'm going to move it today...and lay off the sci fi/horror movies for awhile.
You should have smashed it with a hammer - "Bad gazing ball, BAD!"