My hope this year is to create at least one Halloween prop a month till the season gets closer and I get into full mode. Well, I can check January off thanks to my Mom and aunt Ellen. A little while back I talked about my family passing me the packing tubes that secured my aunt's Christmas gifts to all. Mom started it by saying I could probably make something out of them.
So I did...

Although my shackles are not technically accurate to real ones, they work visually and should look pretty good hanging somewhere come Oct. 31st. They where very fast and easy to make, being done while waiting for glue and paint to dry on another project I had going.
I split each tube open removing about a 1/4" creating a gap...

For the protruding... latch detail? Not sure what to call it, but I think you get what I mean, I used some beat up scrap foamcore. I cut pieces to fit and roughly curved the edges and made holes for the chain. The shackles are old and rusty so the imperfections in the cutting give it character and an aged feel. Then glued them on the tube...

I split the end links on a short length of black plastic chain and slipped over the latch and into the holes. I filled in some seams and finished giving it all a thick faux rust paint treatment...