Happy Halloween To All

Almost every Halloween it's practically become tradition that some adult, at some point, will mention that a zombie's face is looking at the ground and not at them or some other detail in the decor is lost from their perspective.

I smile knowing they may be forgetting...this day should be seen through a child's eyes.


  1. (Big smile) - Of course!

    Great pictures. Happy Halloween!


  2. Dude...you're my hero.

    Hope you're able to celebrate through the flu.

    Happy Halloween!

  3. These are very cool pictures. Have a Happy Halloween!

  4. Yes........and to scare the living sh@t out of these children! Great job, Dave!!

  5. I hope you enjoyed Halloween in spite of H1N1. Your yard looks fantastic as always, though improving quite a bit, which it itself is amazing since I thought it looked fantastic in the previous years. The Frankenstein monster is really impressive.

    Stop by when you get a chance. I have some images up of some of the FedEx graves I made.

  6. Loved this posting!
